Off The Weight Loss Track? Here Are Some Tips To Help!

weight loss track

Off The Weight Loss Track? Here Are Some Tips To Help!

Setting a weight loss goal sounds pretty straightforward, but putting it into action can be a whole other thing altogether. Creating a new healthy habit that you stick with and stay consistent in can be challenging. Many people who set these goals have the potential to fall back, and if they’re not careful, they will let the emotion of falling back get into their heads and will quit. But don’t worry, we understand the struggle and have some tips here for you if you’re in this situation in your fitness journey.

Recognize All Your Excuses

We all make excuses for things we don’t really want to do, whether it’s being too tired, too stressed, too whatever it is. Understanding and catching yourself when you notice yourself making excuses is the start you need in order to stop yourself from saying them. Once you know your reasons, it can be easier to catch yourself, push the excuse aside and do what you set out to do anyways. If you have to write down a list of your excuses in order to help you stay alert, then do so.

Remind Yourself About Your Why

There’s always a more significant reason why you are doing what you’re doing. Remind yourself of that reason every day to keep your motivation up. Visualize yourself succeeding. Seeing the changes that you want can push you to do it consistently. Leave yourself little affirmation notes in those crucial spots where you always go to give you focus and boost productivity.

Set Yourself Short-Term Goals

Creating short-term goals can help you build up healthy habits and stick with them. Starting small such as, just waking up early and putting on your gym clothes every day for 10 days. Once you have that, you can adjust to slightly bigger goals. For example, after those 10 days, do 10 more days and do a 5-minute workout with waking up early. This will build up any consistent healthy habit that you want to start doing.

Know Your Weaknesses

By knowing your weaknesses, you can better prepare yourself for them when they come up. If your weakness is snacking at home, make sure you have a healthy snack available. This way, you’re prepared for your weakness and are choosing to pick the more nutritious snack choices to stay on track with your weight loss.

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Being hard on yourself will put you in the worst position you were in by getting off track with your goal. We’re all human and at times make mistakes and fall back, but that doesn’t mean you should be tough on yourself mentally and quit right then. Instead, refocus that energy to start again and get back on track with your goal.

Have A Support Team Behind You

Being your own motivator is great, but having someone in your corner can be beneficial in those times when you can’t motivate yourself. We all can get those negative thoughts in our minds, but having a support team behind you like your friends, family, personal trainer, or a nutritional coach can give you that extra boost of motivation and help you be accountable for what you set out to achieve.

So don’t beat yourself up mentally for falling off track with your fitness plans. Recognize that you’ve done so, take a breather, and refocus your energy to get back on track with your fitness goals. At VIP Supreme, we have excellent personal trainers and nutritional coaches that are here to help and support you with your weight loss goals. Connect with us to get a consultation and get to know our professionals.